The Future of Money
This is a TED talk that expounds upon the future of money and gives an idea of what we should expect. There are certain things in the world of finances that are changing and this affects the patterns of the future. Explore the facets of what could happen regarding the shift in the money mentality to solely digital currency which is interesting. If you’re looking to discuss the variables behind the evolution of money then this is a good resource to start with. Here you will explore the possibility of cryptocurrency becoming the main staple across the world.
Does Money Make you mean?
It’s a good question and one should take it seriously because there are certain trends that might be worth examining. In this TED talk, you will explore human behavior in the context of wealth. You will find that there are ways people act and it’s possible that some might act mean. However, there are plenty of nice rich people so that should be properly noted. Still, there are correlations to consider and certain behavioral patterns that need to be thoroughly discussed. Here you will gain insight into the sometimes disturbing behavior of those who have acquired excessive wealth. Security can certainly change the way you present yourself, and this article is incredibly revealing and entertaining!
The emotions behind your money habits
This is a very useful article that discusses the most intricate emotions behind spending and how to address them. Sometimes simply becoming aware of these pitfalls is the first step towards fixing them. Here you will discover some realities about your spending by laying all the information on the table. Keeping an inventory of everything purchased will reveal a wealth of information about your spending habits. From there, you can develop a strategy to encourage change.
Let’s Get honest about our money problems
Sometimes the best approach is to analyze the problem and attack it head-on before it gets worse. We need to be honest about where our bad habits are and the amount of debt owed. This is a great talk about money and how we can stop lying to ourselves about certain monetary issues. This is an excellent topic that addresses the issue of self-worth in relation to how much money you have. This is a common problem that people have and it requires them to wake up and realize that it’s not the case.
3 Psychological tricks to help you save money
Here you will discover some psychological strategies to help you flourish and maintain a higher standard for yourself in saving money. There are many ways you can cut down spending, but the real battle starts within the mind. You have to fight certain spending tendencies, and these psychological tactics will help you manage the urge to buy frivolous things. Take control of your own mind with this useful TED Talk that discusses psychology in relation to money!
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